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WPC is made larger than the difficulty of common materials

The release date:2016-08-31 15:02:02 Visits:923

With everyone on the growing importance of waste plastics recovery and the growing scarcity of timber resources used, with wood flour or other natural plant fibers to fill plastics recycling materials, wood materials and finished products made by special equipment, because both plastic and two characteristics of wood, all these years of hard-edged, and gradually developed into the world''''s attention and hot.
  But through years of development, WPC production in the domestic usage is not optimistic, on the one hand research achievements in industry hard, but on the other hand WPC production company also sold poorly. Why WPC this considerable potential new environmental data will show praised the situation?
      Through years of development using found materials processing wood than the average plastic products is difficult, high request. Now the domestic skills mostly from the digestion of foreign skills, information, absorption, in spite of some achievements, but there is much work to be done industrial use.
  Some production companies only to see the prospects for plastic and wood, while ignoring the other questions, processing equipment, technical skills not reach the request, trade levels do not increase; few companies produce molded wood packaging materials restrictions, fill a small amount of wood due share, higher costs, lack mall competitiveness. Thus, with the field of use of the widening, how to further improve the function of the WPC has become a development and selection of additive elements developed by researchers to improve WPC production technology, special equipment, but also needs to further strengthen discussion.